
11th Oct 2024 - SonicSell Advanced Controls design, Support Chatbot and more


  • We redesigned the Advanced Controls in SonicSell to make them more user friendly and consistent with the update to Workshop released last week!


  • We added a chatbot to the Platform so you can more easily contact support if you have any issues. It can be found in the bottom right of the screen.

UX Improvements

  • Sorted filters alphabetically in the voice library
  • Improved confusing button copy in Recording Booth
  • Workshop will now consider break tags in estimated script length to give better accuracy
  • Hid pagination when there's only one page of results
  • Improved the styling of waveforms in Workshop and SonicSell

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug with sharing audio in SonicSell
  • Fixed an issue with asset title being encoded twice when sharing
  • Added an error message for when a file ID cannot be loaded in the Files area
  • Fixed a bug where a "no permissions" error appeared on loading the Homepage for some users
  • Fixed an issue where forward slashes were missing when creating subfolders in Files