We try to avoid making breaking changes to our SDKs as much as possible to give people developing with AudioStack as positive an experience as possible. However, sometimes we encounter issues that mean an endpoint is not structured in a way that is optimised for front end developers to integrate with.
Currently, await AS.Content.Script.listProjects(); is supposed to return a Promise<string[]> but instead is returning a much less useful object:
{ pk: 'org|AudioStack-1111', sk: 'project|powerimport' },
{ pk: 'org|AudioStack-1111', sk: 'project|recordingbooth' },
{ pk: 'org|AudioStack-1111', sk: 'project|workshop' }
This is what the API responds with, but the data that is useful to the end user in this case is the Project name itself:
As such, we will be making a breaking change to the Javascript SDK to resolve this issue and return the data in a more user friendly format this week.
Please note that if you have integrated with the JS SDK /content/list_projects endpoint, you will need to make changes to handle the changing response.
If you have any issues, please get in touch at support [at] audiostack [dot] ai.