16th June - Voice Permissions updated, Custom sound templates, Predicting the length of speech

Voice permissions updated

We've updated our permissions in our voices so we're now enabling more of our premium and high quality voices to all plans. This is a much requested feature. πŸ’―

Improved script sections functionality

Create a single section of a text-to-speech resource.


Predicting the length of speech (based on text)

One problem that a lot of our customers have noted is that it's hard to tell how long a particular voice will work with the text provided, as there's variance in speech rates. So we produced a proprietary ML model based on our customer data to ship this feature.

Furthermore this will keep getting better as our usage of voices grows.

url = "<https://v2.api.audio/speech/predict>"  
r = requests.post(url=url, headers=headers, json={"voice": voice, "text": f})

Uploading custom sound templates


Many of our customers asked how to upload custom sound beds or custom sound templates. You can see this above

Β Voice pipeline improvements

We've made some improvements to our voice pipeline so our voice cloning engine works 3x better. We're constantly working on these improvements to our infrastructure

Mastering engine performance improvements

We improved the reliability of our mastering engine so you can produce more beautiful audio at scale.