
18th Sep 2024 - Deprecation Notice - SonicSell v1.5.0

What does this mean?

  • From the end of this week, the old version of SonicSell (v.1.5.0) will no longer be available.
  • Don’t worry - you’ll still be able to do everything you need (plus more new features!) in the new version (v.1.6.0). If you have any issues getting started, please let Support know.
  • Some users might have had beta access to the new version and may now need their admin to invite them to use SonicSell - admins can do this by going to the Organisations page in the Account menu.
  • Please download any assets you’d like to save from the old version of SonicSell ASAP - this won't automatically transfer across, but all assets created in the new version will be saved in your Projects area going forward.

Why are we doing this?

  • At AudioStack, we try to avoid breaking changes wherever possible. We first released the new version of SonicSell and announced this deprecation back in June to give users time to move over to the new version.
  • In the old version of SonicSell, all of your sessions were stored locally in your browser. This meant that if you cleared the cache or changed device, your history wouldn't be available. In the new version, we introduced a change which means that all ads created in SonicSell will automatically save to your Projects area, making it easier to manage your work. Unfortunately, this change means that sessions from the old version of the app are not compatible with the new version. However, if you have an asset you'd like to have recreated in your Projects area, we can help you with this.
  • Any questions? Contact us at support [at] audiostack [dot] ai.