18th Sep 2024- Workshop Improvements, UX improvements, bug fixes
5 months ago by Bamber Haworth
In the latest AudioStack Platform release, we've made several improvements to enhance users' experiences.
- Fixed a bug with default project names and added validation to project names.
- Improved the UX of length selection for audio assets - made it easier to understand how long your asset will be. Use the "match script" button to create an asset based on your script's length.

Projects (formerly known as Library):
- Renamed Library to Projects based on user feedback
- Split up Audioforms that contain multiple versions - so users can choose which version of a session they want to edit
- Fixed a bug with sorting behaviour
Files (formerly known as Resources/Content):
- Renamed Files and moved this page to the Essentials area to make it easier to find
- Fixed a small bug with bulk actions on folders