21st April - The JS SDK!

JavaScript SDK

After launching AudioStack API & Python SDK, we've continuously worked on more features to free up your engineering resources. Now you can easily integrate our API using our new JS SDK, a lightweight library that makes it easy to create professional audio assets within seconds.
We've design it to simplify the coding process - create a script, choose one of our 600+ voices, add a sound design and voila - you can encode your audio file as a high quality mp3 and download it. This allows you to focus on creating great audio experiences without having to worry about the underlying code. 🚀 💯

https://www.npmjs.com/package/@aflr/audiostack You can find it on NPM here

You can see an example here - https://stackblitz.com/edit/node-rwvl9n?file=example.js

How to install it!

npm install @aflr/audiostack

# or

yarn install @aflr/audiostack

How to use it

 * Audiostack Hello World Example
 * Add your API key on line 12 and run
 * node example.js

// Import the library
const { Audiostack } = require('@aflr/audiostack');

// Provide your api key from the Audiostack Console
const apiKey = 'your_api_key';

 * This example demonstrates how to produce and download a file using the Audiostack API.
const example = async () => {
  // Create a new instance of Audiostack
  const AS = new Audiostack(apiKey);

  // Create a script asset with our hello text
  const script = await AS.Content.Script.create({
      'Hello from Audiostack. This is a test script. I hope you enjoy it.',

  // Create a speech asset using our script and the voice "sara"
  const tts = await AS.Speech.Tts.create({
    scriptId: script.scriptId,
    voice: 'sara',

  // Create a mix with our speech asset and add the sound template "3am"
  const mix = await AS.Production.Mix.create({
    speechId: tts.speechId,
    soundTemplate: '3am',

  // Encode the file to high quality mp3
  const encode = await AS.Delivery.Encoder.encodeMix({
    productionId: mix.productionId,
    preset: 'mp3_high',

  // Download the file to the project directory
  const path = await encode.download();

  // Print the path to the file
  console.log(`File downloaded to: ${path}`);

// Run the example

We look forward to seeing feedback and seeing what YOU build with our SDK.