
SSML Harmonisation - Break time update

SSML Harmonisation

A commonly asked question by customers is "how do I make sure the same SSML works across providers".

So today we're VERY excited to launch our first (of many) features πŸŽ‰ πŸŽ‚

You can run this on ANY provider and it'll either work or it'll fail. So your code will work with ANY provider and ANY voice

  •    body = {
            "projectName": "__TEST",
            "scriptText": '<as:section> hello <as:break time="4s"/> worlds </as:section>',

We showed this in beta to our customers and we got this quote

"This will save us so much time 10% of our bugs are due to things like this" - Software Developer at an Advertising company

How do I get started?

Simply to get stared just update

<break time="150ms"/>

to <as:break time="150ms"/>

Other reading


If you want an update on SSML wikipedia is great.