Add ambience to your audio assets with atmospheric sound effects
As well as using sound design or uploaded files in your audio content, you can also use atmospheres to create ambience or mimic the sound of a particular environment. For example, you could transport your listeners to a bustling coffee shop or a rowdy boxing match.
How does it work?
Like with sound designs, you can specify atmospheres for each section of your script, using the following syntax, when you create your mix:
print("Creating mix...")
mix = audiostack.Production.Mix.create(
"intro": {"atmosphere": "boxing_training"},
"main1": {"atmosphere": "boxing_round_start"},
"main3": {"atmosphere": "boxing_fighting"},
"outro": {"atmosphere": "boxing_round_start"}
What atmospheres are available?
There are a limited range of atmospheres available right now, but we welcome feedback on atmospheric sounds that would be useful in your work.
You can get a list of the available atmospheres by pasting this code into your terminal (including your API key):
curl --request GET \
--url \
--header 'accept: application/json' \
--header 'x-api-key: YOURAPIKEY'
This will generate the following list:
Alias (to use in your code) |
carnival_rave aeroplane_take_off boxing_round_start boxing_training football_ovation cricket_playthrough train_indoor_ambient city_ambience tennis_score_announcement cafe_busy_ambience train_pass_by_left_to_right train_indoor_departure train_station_ambient cafe_medium traffic_city train_station_indoors tennis_match football_missed_goal train_passing_by_mono bus_stop sea_waves football_crowd train_approaching jungle_dawn art_gallery train_underground train_departure football_goal storm_closer traffic_medium train_fast_pass_by cricket_match train_arrival running_jogging snow_walk football_stadium_ambience traffic_horns storm_thunder_distant football_failed_goal cooking_fry boxing_fighting aeroplane_take_off_loud train_pass_by_slow train_station_ambience sea_waves_windy wind_whistle train_indoor_passing_by cafe_busy swimming_pool_indoors train_announcement school_playground jungle_night tennis_point traffic_light |
Updated 7 months ago